FoKL Sunday Members after clearing teepees of fallen branches west of trig Hill to reduce fire hazard

September 2023 News

rex2023, Monthly News Leave a Comment

This month we concentrated on the forget-me-nots in Providence Valley Rivulet. It will take some time, but you can see, where we have been able to keep the ground clear of flowers, the endemic grasses are settling in and being enjoyed by the marsupials. 

We did the annual maintenance of Salvator Rosa Glen, and also cleared the ‘right of way’ from Corby Ave, down to rivulet track.

Rodney and I took Meagan Porter (Project Manager) for a walk round the main fire trails and up Trig Point Hill to look at possible sites, that would be included in the project ‘Gardening with Fire’. There are many other stake holders to consult, and many, many regulations to comply with, so a long- term project.

I’m going away for a fortnight, and Rodney will be our the ‘volunteer supervisor’ on Thursday 19th Oct.

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