This month went very well, with more people than usually attending our activities.
We were able to remove some gorse we missed above the Weerona Trail, and a lot of forget–me-nots and thistles below the trail. Both the Glover Track and Salvator Rosa Glen were ‘gone over’ and can be left for another year, though the periwinkle in the glen is a worry.
And we are now allowed to share coffee and biscuits after, though YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR OWN CUP!!
Some of our members, who are registered as ‘independent volunteers’ even went as far as Clarence, Ridgeway and Waterworks reserves and did some extra work!
Our invoice to TasNetworks went in for a year’s maintenance of the wayleave under the powerlines. This year we earned $1725. The money will be spent on other improvements in the reserve.
Teachers at Mt. Stuart Primary School feel it is important that the children are told what volunteers do to maintain the schools neighbourhood reserve, which is used for outings and instructions; so I took two classes, teachers and some parents for a walk & talk, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.