With quite a bit of rain this spring, we had to cancel one activity. The damp ground has made it possible for millions of forget-me-nots, thistles and wild turnip/wild mustard to grow. It may seem like ‘King Canute trying to turn back the tide’, however, the weeds suppress the new grass that is also growing well.
And if we can give the endemic flora growing space, I think it is hours well spent. So we have spent much of our time hand pulling these weeds all over the reserve. The plant-give-away went well, there was just the right amount of plants.
A management plan is being drawn up for Salvator Rosa Glen, and we are looking forward to get some guidelines.
The date and place for the annual COH bushcare BBQ has been set, so pencil in this date and info: THURSDAY 19th NOVEMBER 5.30pm – 7.30pm at Legacy, Park Queens Domain. More details later