This month went very well, with more people than usually attending our activities. We were able to remove some gorse we missed above the Weerona Trail, and a lot of forget–me-nots and thistles below the trail. Both the Glover Track and Salvator Rosa Glen were ‘gone over’ and can be left for another year, though the periwinkle in the glen …
August 2020 News
August’s program went well. Prof Bowman gave us a very interesting ‘walk & talk’ on bush fires, and about what will happen when big fires hit Hobart’s surrounding hills. He recommended many, small, frequent fires, taking out areas of dead bracken, old dry grass and dry bark & dry scrub. However, this is difficult, as it doesn’t fit into the …
July 2020 News.
The first activity this month had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Though more rain is really needed. Then we did cut & paste of re-growth gorse near the Bandicoot Corridor. On the Sunday we hand pulled a lot of forget-me-nots. It seems this pretty, but very invasive flower is popping up everywhere in reserves and on crown land. …
June 2020 News
We were able to return to our bushcare activities Thursday the 18th, and we had a good turnout. The same on Sunday 21st. We worked both times above the Weerona Trail, mainly removing EURYOPS and small gorse. Because of the COVID–19 pandemic we are more careful with personal equipment and tools, and only our own individual refreshments after. The weather …
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