June 2021 News

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The June activities went well, and we have removed most of the big old-growth gorse from 133 Forest Rd. Sunday was well attended with several new people. There is just one thing, when the COH tools were put back in storage, it was noted that one of the bright orange safety covers for the loppers was missing. We will be …

May 2021 News

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This morning I took two classes of grade 2 students from Lansdowne Crs. Primary School on a walk and talk through the reserve. They wanted to know what we considered ‘weeds’, as it seemed different to the weeds in their own gardens.It is lovely to see so many keen and interested children, and hopefully they will be the next custodians …

April 2021 News

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It’s nearly two years since we went through KR 26, the area south east of the Forest Rd. car park. We didn’t find much re-growth gorse , and the area is good for another two years. There are some signs of young people forming bicycle tracks, but not too bad. From the boundary to 133 Forest Rd. we looked at …

Blue Tongued Lizard - Summit of Knocklofty

March 2021 News

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This month we concentrated on the area above the Weerona Trail, where we planted grass in August 2020. Hoeing and cut and dab the small thistles, bone seed and gorse. The grasses both old and new seem to cope with the dry, and this week’s rain would have given them a boost. On Sunday it was the area past the …

February 2021 News

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It rained a little on the first Thursday activity of the year, and we had to cancel the event. The rule is, that if it rains at 8 am Thursday morning or 1 pm Sunday afternoon the activity does not go ahead. You can’t ‘cut &paste’ when it is wet. Then I  had to go to Victoria for  14 days …

Mona Foma Cultural Burning

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Mona Foma kicks off in Hobart this Friday, and we’re ready to roll out our audio+visual project in Knocklofty Reserve! Cultural Burning combines a fire-inspired installation by artist Tim Coad, with a Sci Art Walks episode on Aboriginal cultural fire, featuring a talk by Andry Sculthorpe and Billy Paton-Clarke, with music by Emily Wurramara. The audio also features a special introduction …

November 2020 News

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November went well with a good roll up for the wayleave maintenance. With ‘lock – down’ of activities for three months due to covid – 19, the yearly morning/afternoon tea supplied by COH as our X-mas present  was delayed. So Sunday 19th Nov. was agreed upon.  As it rained that afternoon we had it at our place, and it was very enjoyable …

October 2020 News

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With quite a bit of rain this spring, we had to cancel one activity. The damp ground has made it possible for millions of forget-me-nots, thistles and wild turnip/wild mustard to grow. It may seem like ‘King Canute trying to turn back the tide’, however, the weeds suppress the new grass that is also growing well. And if we can …

FoKL Members weeding along Salvator Rosa Glen 2020-09-20

September 2020 News

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This month went very well, with more people than usually attending our activities. We were able to remove some gorse we missed above the Weerona Trail, and a lot of forget–me-nots and thistles below the trail. Both the Glover Track and Salvator Rosa Glen were ‘gone over’ and can be left for another year, though the periwinkle in the glen …

Professor Bowman telling FoKL Members about early fire ecology in the Reserve

August 2020 News

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August’s program went well. Prof Bowman gave us a very interesting ‘walk & talk’ on bush fires, and about what will happen when big fires hit Hobart’s surrounding hills. He recommended many, small, frequent fires, taking out areas of dead bracken, old dry grass and dry bark & dry scrub. However, this is difficult, as it doesn’t fit into the …