FoKL members having morning tea during grass planting

July 2020 News.

rex2020, Monthly News

The first activity this month had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Though more rain is really needed. Then we did cut & paste of re-growth gorse near the Bandicoot Corridor.
On the Sunday we hand pulled a lot of forget-me-nots. It seems this pretty, but very invasive flower is popping up everywhere in reserves and on crown land. So if you see any on your wanderings in the bush,  PULL   IT   OUT!

Prof Bowman has agreed to come and talk to us about susceptibility and preparedness for fire in the Reserve. It will be very interesting and everyone is welcome. We are just walking around, no extra activity needed.

We are planting 250 little pots of four kinds of grasses on Sunday 20th, so please come along and lend a hand