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Caladenia cracens

Caladenia echidnachila

Carex appressa

Cassinia aculeata

Chiloglottis reflexa

Chiloglottis triceratops

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Comesperma volubile


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Knocklofty Reserve Flora - C

Caladenia cracens, common name "Elegant caladenia", has beautiful mauve flowers with faint lines on the bottom petals.  The single flower on each 8 to 15cm tall stem appears from late October to mid-November above a narrow dark green 5 to 12cm leaf. This pretty little orchid may be found growing in the sandy heath area south east of the Forest Road carpark in Knocklofty Reserve.

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Caladenia echidnachila, common name "Fawn spider orchid", is found occasionally in the open timber area south of the Aurora Wayleave track near where the Summit Loop Track crosses the wayleave at the summit.  The one or two, large, fawn to pale tawny yellow spider flowers appear on a 25 to 40cm tall stem above a single narrow 8 to 14cm leaf from September to November.  It is a truly beautiful flower.  


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Carex appressa, common name "Tall sedge", is a slow spreading tussock growing 0.5 to 0.8m high with bright green arching leaves.  The tall flowers stalks mature to drooping brown seed heads.  It thrives in moist to wet soils in full to part sun and is found especially along the Salvator Rosa Glen in the Knocklofty Reserve. It is suitable for a shallow pond.


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Cassinia aculeata, common name "Dolly bush", grows into an erect shrub 2 to 3m high and from 1 to 2m wide. The terminal clusters of pink buds open to reveal white daisy flowers in spring.  This species grows throughout the Knocklofty Reserve, especially in the Poets Road quarry, and is often a straggly bush.  It grows in most soils in sunny to shady locations and is frost hardy.  It needs to be pruned hard for shape and greenery in domestic gardens.


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Chiloglottis reflexa, common name "Autumn bird orchid", bears a single, small brownish to pinkish flower on a 6 to 10cm stem above a pair of flat elliptical leaves.  The flower has narrow lateral sepals (side 'petals') curling below the labellum (lower petal) that has mostly black calli (protuberances on this petal).  It has been found north of the Glover Track in the Reserve under tall Eucalyptus species in a sandy area lightly covered with Pteridium esculentum, common name Bracken fern, bushes.


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Chiloglottis triceratops, common name "Three horned bird orchid", is a beautifully ornate species that has been found midway along the uphill side of the Sandy Spit Track in the Knocklofty Reserve.  The single moderately large flowers appear in spring and summer and have greenish brown, broad, spreading petals and an oval labellum (lower petal).  The labellum is adorned with 3 long column shaped calli (protuberances), the horns, at the back of the labellum and 2 rows of smaller column shaped calli along the labellum.


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Chrysocephalum apiculatum, has the common name of "Common everlasting", and is a spreading herb growing 10 to 150cm high by 30 to 50cm wide occasionally throughout the sunnier areas of the Knocklofty Reserve.  The golden ball, terminal clusters of flowers on the tips of long, hairy grey/green, leafy stalks appear in spring through to summer. It is hardy in most soils if mulched away from stem and prefers part to full sun.  In home gardens the plants should have their dead flowers tip pruned to maintain vigour.


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Comesperma volubile, common name "Blue lovecreeper", is a light twining climber that is hard to see unless it is in flower.  It flowers in profuse racemes along the ends of its stems in spring with bright blue flowers similar to pea species but with two prominent lateral petals.  This lovely climber is found in many places throughout the Reserve, especially along the Mt Wellington side of the Mt Stuart Track at the top of the carpark steps.


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