July 2024 News

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The first Thursday we did roving weeding in KR 13 & 15, east-north east of the big water tower. It is about three years since we worked that area, and we found so few weeds, we can leave it for another three years. The third Thursday we checked KR 7, above the Weerona Trail. After the heavy rain a couple …

June 2024 News

rex2024, Monthly News Leave a Comment

This month a big, slow moving, wet, low- pressure system east of Tasmania made conditions poor for bush care. We managed to get one morning’s work in removing small gorse in the area above the Sandy Spit Track, But had to cancel the second Thursday activity.  Though it was misty and sometime a bit rainy, not much water was added …

May 2024 News

rex2024, Monthly News Leave a Comment

This month went with wayleave work from the Lenah Valley boundary to Forest Rd. We removed vegetation that might grow up and interfere with the power lines. The fine, new ,sharp, hand saws we were given in November were very useful!. Wayleave is another word for ‘right of way’, and TasNetworks has this across the reserve, granted by the COH. …

April 2024 News

rex2024, Monthly News Leave a Comment

Hi Friends of Knocklofty, With the continued dry weather, the bracken and grasses are wilting, and it is easier to see the green gorse, so we did some roving weeding in areas KR 18 and 26. KR 26 is exposed to residential neighbours, and we talked about introduced plants like sticky wattle, Acacia howitii, cotoneaster and pittosporum, and how to …

March 2024 News

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This month we went down into the Providence Rivulet gully and looked for forget-me–nots. On the upper drier, slope it was good to see, most of the flowers were gone. Lower down there are still plenty to get rid of. Then it was on to an area well past the bollards at the end of Forest Rd. in area KR22. …

February 2024 News

rex2024, Monthly News Leave a Comment

The first three activities of the year went well. We checked both sides of the Glover Track for gorse, broom, foxglove, blackberries and hemlock. Then we went to the open area above the Weerona Trail, that we cleared and planted nearly four years ago. The young gorse here was heavily browsed, even the thistles were nipped a bit. Sunday, we …